General Resolution

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Lagos State Development Plan (LSDP)

Ensure the continuous implementation of the Lagos State Development Plan (LSDP) 2022- 2052 as the State’s long-term framework for development

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LSDP 2052

Communicate the content of LSDP 2052 using both online and offline communication channels to all Lagosians to ensure buy-in to the plan

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From 2023, institute an annual, public communication of past and upcoming LSDP activities and impact achieved as accountability mechanism to Lagosians

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Lagos State Government

Identify opportunities to attract and closely collaborate with the Diaspora via a dedicated engagement strategy and campaign and evaluate the possibility to set up a Diaspora Office and a Diaspora think tank

Trade and Commerce

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Lagos State Government

Engage the formal and informal sectors to participate in the ecosystems being developed in Lagos, such as Lekki Free Zone

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Lagos State Ecosystem

Drive marketing efforts on the Lagos State ecosystem targeted at private sector within and beyond Lagos State to help establish Lagos as a regional trade hub

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Lagos Diaspora Business Fund

Launch a Lagos Diaspora Business Fund, encouraging diaspora to invest in Lagos start-ups


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Lagos State Private Sector

Drive engagements with the private sectors and development institutions to enable their active and ongoing participation in vocational and non-vocational curricula and upskilling teachers

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Lagos Diaspora Scholarship Fund

Set up a Lagos Diaspora Scholarship Fund and a Lagos Diaspora Mentoring Program to counter brain gain


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Lagos State Private Sector

Empower the private sector to drive Lagos forward along key positive trends such as digital and clean energy in the transportation space

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Actively engage with and support the informal transport sector with their transition into the formal system, such as LagosRide, rail, etc.

Arts & Entertainment

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Lagos Arts and Entertainment

Ensure the media city becomes a centre of excellence to drive best practice and general knowledge sharing across Nollywood and the Lagos arts and entertainment ecosystem


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Lagos State Public Sector

Leverage technology in driving current business processes and workflow in the public service

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Institutionalise a performance management system to integrate outcome KPIs from the LSDP and enforce accountability, whilst introducing consequences for non-performance

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Lagos State Public Sector

Introduce incentives like increased compensation and benefits to attract youths into the public sector


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Multi Stakeholder

Engage with local and foreign stakeholders within the private sector to actively drive digitization and best practices within the health sector

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Health Sector

Facilitate discussions and trainings across the health sector value chain to increase capacity of specialists and general practitioners

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Medical Intervention

Encourage Diaspora medical intervention

Built Environment

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Lagos State Private Sector

Engage with the private sector in identifying relevant skills for the real estate workforce and identify major inputs for capacity development

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Commercial Opportunities

Drive communication of viable commercial opportunities in new urban centres

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Evaluate the possibility to develop Badagry as a diaspora destination

Financial Services

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Financial Center

Drive engagements with regulators in promoting an enabling environment within the financial centre

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Lagos State Government

Encourage partnerships between industry players and Lagos State to promote growth within the financial sector

Safety & Security

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Public-Private Sector

Encourage cooperation between public sector, private sector, and civil society to strengthen the security forces of the State and enable them to operate effectively

Power & Energy

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Public-Private Sector

Encourage collaborations between public sector, private energy players and development partners to facilitate clean energy access across the State


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Stakeholders Engagement

Provide a platform for the creation of a directory to enable information sharing among stakeholders in the ecosystem

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Encourage the talent ecosystem in Lagos by creating opportunities to upskill and increase capacity of stakeholders in the technology industry


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Waste Management Sector

Provide an enabling environment to players in the waste management sector and support the development of the sectorial value chain

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Lagos State Private Sector

Drive engagements with the private sector to develop the water sector in Lagos, especially around water distribution


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Funding Structures

Be creative about the State’s assets (physical and human), investment prioritisation, PPPs, and funding structures

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Lagos State Diaspora Bond

Identify opportunities to engage with the Diaspora, for example by developing a floating Lagos State Diaspora Bond, creating a comprehensive database of the diaspora, and evaluating opportunities to benefit from diaspora remittance